Try a week free!
Step 1
Sign up here on my website.
Step 2
Go to the App Store to download the
Pilates By Kerstin app to your phone
(iPhone or Android)
Step 3
Log in with your email
and password.
Step 4
a 1-month beginner intro to pilates program + many more individual beginner workouts to choose from
*the 30-day signature Pilates By Kerstin program + hundreds of individual workouts to choose from ranging 5-45 minutes
*pilates + strength program - a 30-day program that combines pilates with weighted strength workouts. Grab you 15-30lb dumbbells for this one!

Create a healthy relationship with exercise, food, and your body
Transform your body with low-impact workouts you love & a life-long routine
This is a lifestyle
Pilates by Kerstin workouts are low-impact, at-home workouts that incorporate intentional & controlled movements to strengthen your body.
Recover post-workout or restore your mind and body on your days off.
Nourishing, healthy recipes that encourage mindful, intuitive eating and a healthy relationship with food.
My method will leave you feeling nourished and strong – the goal is to build your lean muscles without putting your mind or body under stress. This style of exercise has worked so well for me, and I know it will work for you too.